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Med safe: Case based assessment – Adults and paediatrics

CPD Hours



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This module is a case based assessment. It is designed to test the knowledge of participants in medication safety and calculations. There are two scenarios provided. The first is an adult patient case scenario and the second is a paediatric patient case scenario.
Each case scenario has 10 questions.
You have two attempts to answer each question correctly. The pass mark is 100%.

This module assumes that participants have completed the module Med Safe: Principles of medication safety.  

Some of the quiz questions assume knowledge gained from that module and not repeated in this module. Those questions are questions around basic medication safety.

National Standard
This module is consistent with the Australian National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards, Standard Four: Medication Safety.

Learning Objective

At the end of this module participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate competence in safely reading a National Inpatient Medication Chart (adult).
  • Safely calculate medications based on a National Inpatient Medication Chart (adult): Tablets and capsules, Mixtures and solutions, Intravenous infusions.
  • Demonstrate competence in safely reading a National Inpatient Medication Chart (paediatric).
  • Safely calculate medications based on a National Inpatient Medication Chart (paediatric): Tablets and capsules, Mixtures and solutions, Intravenous infusions, Weight based calculations.

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